If unforeseen circumstances prevent you from being able to complete your 60 CPE credits in your three-year term, you may request an extension PRIOR (60 days) to your end date. Written requests with supporting documentation must be submitted to the attention of the Certification Relations Committee of the Professional Certification Board (PCB). The committee reviews requests on a case-by-case basis and only grants extensions in situations where you were prevented from completing your CPEs.
Extension Policies
ASIS does not grant extensions due to job demands, company budgets, employment status,
personal finances, changes in marital status, changes in mailing address, and other personal or
professional reasons. Extensions may be granted if there is a severe hardship such as a major
medical emergency in the immediate family, a natural disaster, if on active military duty and
deployment into a remote or hazardous area, or in certain circumstances, such as childbirth,
adoption, or acceptance of a child in foster care. The applicant or certificant is required to
provide documentation of extenuating circumstances (e.g., doctor’s note or other appropriate
proof of circumstance). Military personnel will need to verify their deployment status by
submitting a copy of official deployment orders. This does not apply to individuals who are
military contractors. Severe hardship must be documented and verifiable. ASIS certification
candidates and certificants who wish to utilize an extension should contact the ASIS certification
team no later than 60 days before the eligibility end date or certification end date. Certificant
extensions will only be considered if at the time of extension application, the certificant has
completed 50% or more of the required CPE credits for their current certification cycle.
- Recertification use case example:
- Current Certification Cycle: 1 May 2021 - 31 May 2024
- Six-month cycle extension: 30 November 2024 to earn and report CPEs
- New Certification Cycle for next cycle: 1 December 2024 – 31 December 2027
In times of crises that affect many people at one time (e.g., pandemic, national emergencies,
natural disasters), extension policies may be modified in the short term. All affected by the crisis
will be notified of the policy changes. (Updated 20 February 2024)
The Recertification Guide includes the policies and procedures related to the recertification of your ASIS designation(s).
Recertification Guide -- Guia de Recertificación